Violent Crimes
When you’re charged with a violent crime you may be facing one of the most serious crimes under Oklahoma law. Violent crimes range from assault, threats, and similar conduct, to kidnaping, homicide, felony assaults, robbery, domestic violence and more. Is said that prosecutors often charge defendants accused of violent crimes with a more serious crime than is appropriate under the circumstances. As a former prosecutor, I know how to deal with these situations.Violent crimes are treated harshly by the courts and under the statutes. But an experienced Oklahoma criminal lawyer will spot all the possible defenses in your case, and may be able to have the charges downgraded, or have the case dismissed.If you examine the various statutes covering violent crimes, it becomes apparent that there is a large amount of prosecutorial discretion in what charges will be brought in different situations. As an experienced violent crimes lawyer, I know when my clients are being “over-charged,” and I know how to respond. I also know which defenses to raise, including self-defense and others, that may provide you with the ability to avoid a conviction. Finally, where a plea bargain is possible and is the best option, I can guide you through the process to ensure that you receive the best possible result under all the circumstances.